PROGRESS in the construction of the first part of the new building project,. i.e., the first two Houses. has now reached an advanced stage, with the shell of the block almost complete. The building operations are surrounded by a great deal of materials and various obscure equipment, and the workmen seem, to the layman, to be working in utter chaos. One can hardly credit, to cite only one example, the number of trenches (plus their fantastic complement of pipes) which it has been necessary to dig in order to ensure the future functioning of the finished buildings. Nevertheless, the work has gone on, as the results so far show, and we can only infer that the workmen take this apparent chaos quite in their stride. We only hope that order can be restored by next January, when the first two Houses transfer their activities from the huts to what, many people hope, will appear, in comparison, as hotels.

Although the problems confronting our country have lately reached high levels with Suez, inflation and industrial disputes, many national papers and many learned men have somehow found time to comment on the newest craze in popular music, "Rock n' Roll". We gather that the music is essentially hill-billy music with a downbeat, and that like most other jazz, it originated in the American South. The beating pulse of the music led one English psychiatrist to call it "a rhythmic bombardment of the senses"

This particular type of music is not new, but it has lately hit the headlines in connection with various outbursts of violence, which have accompanied the showing of the film "Rock Around the Clock", a film devoted to "Rock 'n' Roll" music. Many people have condemned it as having in it the germ of delinquency. Our own view, if the editors of a school magazine may be allowed to hold such views, is that such suppositions are quite false. Most of the violence is caused by disillusioned adolescents, who would disturb the peace anyway, and people who blame "Rock 'n' Roll" are merely finding a convenient scapegoat. In fact, dancing to its regular beat and wild syncopation is an outlet for energies which otherwise might lead to petty gangsterism. Again, many critics denounce it as being unintellectual. One can only answer them by pointing to its popularity amongst the rising generation, the future rulers of the world. One exponent of "Rock 'n' Roll" singing is a certain Mr. Elvis Presley, whose gyrations and contortions help to sell for him something like 10 million records a year. Such sales mean an overwhelming popularity, which is too great to be lightly dismissed. Anyway if the critics of "Rock 'n' Roll" are right, it certainly bodes ill for the future of our country and, in fact, for the whole world.



After five years one can look back on the beginnings of our School and take stock of what has been achieved, and what we shall now be doing.

We have of course achieved much. Our academic record augurs well for the future, we have gained some local reputation with our games, there are many visible signs in the school of work well carried out in many directions. As a school we have many friends, and particularly I think in our relationships with our neighbouring schools, we have appreciated, in rivalry, their comradeship. We have come, too, to be accepted in our corner of Suffolk, as a school that is doing a good job, and one that will bring credit to its members.

It would be stupid, however, to look back on our modest achievements and think in a smug way that we have created a school. We have hardly begun. Five years is a very short time and we have made as yet only small beginnings. Our community can be said to be just coming to life. It cannot possibly flourish to anything approaching manhood until more and more, boys are determined to instil that life into it. And as yet there are too few signs that many are really prepared to give as well as to receive. There are notable exceptions, but they really stand out. For our school to achieve any greatness of spirit, the only greatness worth achieving, its members must consciously cease to regard it as a place where lessons are learnt, where enthusiastic masters "lay-on" everything, where a bountiful but intangible and remote unknown acts as a universal provider. It must become a place where all seek to give, to create, to instil some of their own life and character into the corporate whole. Thus and thus only will our school achieve any greatness.

As I write, the first of our new boarding houses is fast taking shape. These buildings will house successive generations of Woolverstone boys. Nobody will, I hope, make the mistake of thinking that fine buildings of themselves make a fine school. Far more important are the people who inhabit them. These buildings will eventually be imbued with an atmosphere, an atmosphere that will reflect the people who have lived there. We must ensure that the spirit that will live in our buildings is one that we gladly and proudly pass on to those who will follow us.

J. S. H. Smitherman, Headmaster


OUR COLLECTIONS have continued at a reasonable level and a most enthusiastic letter has been received from the mother of the boy we have adopted, saying what a difference it is making to her son to be properly clothed at school.

I hope in giving for this deserving cause boys will realise how fortunate they are to be in a position to help somebody else, and they can all have the satisfaction of knowing, that because of their collections they are giving something in life to somebody who would otherwise not have it at all.

The amount collected last term was slightly lower than the term before, and I hope this trend will not continue.

J. S. H. Smitherman, Headmaster

BEGG, D. A. Mathematics, Further Maths, Physics
COX, R. French, German, Geography
CROUCHER, R. English, History, Geography
DAVIES, T. Physics, Biology
GLASS, D. French, German
LEWIS, C. Mathematics, Further Maths, Physics
McCULLOCH. I. English, History, Geography
WORKMAN, B. French, History
Bauer, W., Brown. G., Burles, P., Clutterbuck, J.. Glass, A., Nawrot. R.
Clark, H., Drew, J., Jones, A., Marriott, R., McMaster, P., Thorn, I., Tucker, A.
Cracknell, M., Glanville, J., Green, A. Hansell, J., Moxham, A.
Daniel, M., Harris, D., Miller, W., Shreeve, V., Whittaker, M.. Pettit, M.
Omar, M., Smith, A., Byrde, G.
Lloyd, W., Newman, L., Ravenscroft, F., Tilly, P.
Stevens, G., Handley, M., Laffoney-Lane, C., Ronan, D. V., Spicer, D.
Brenard, J., Dawson, P., Fillery, R. G., Munro, B.
Supplementary Passes were also obtained by:

Begg D. (1) - Bicknell G. (2) - Davies T. (2) - Hunton A. (1) - George A. (1)

During the past year the following boys have been rated as School Blues, and deserve our hearty congratulations on receiving this honour: Hunton, Brown, George and Moss, Workman and Begg

Glass and Croucher are to be congratulated on their appointment as School Prefects,. This makes a total of six prefects and four Blues. Lewis and Moss rated as Blues last year, have since left the School.

Robert R. Cox

SPEECH DAY, on the 21st July this year, included prize-giving for the Upper School, an Open Day, and a Fete. Fortunately the weather did not interfere with any of these functions.

To present the prizes, and to give a stimulating talk, we were fortunate in having the Rt. Hon. John Hare, O.B.E., M.P., Minister of State for Colonial Affairs, who also expressed his good fortune in being invited to come to this new school which has sprung up in his constituency.

Parents were able to observe many forms of school activity, including a concert by the Music Society on a more ambitious scale than had been previously possible on such occasions.

The fete followed the lines laid down last year, with sideshows organised by the Houses, and stalls run by wives of the staff. A sum of £90 was thereby added to the University Scholarship Fund.

Ian R. Bell


THE CHIEF activity of the Music Society during the Summer Term was preparing for the concert which was given on Open Day, 21st July, 1956.

The orchestra played pieces by Handel, Purcell and Woodhouse, as well as accompanying R. Nawrot in an arrangement of a Mozart Piano Sonata.

Individual items included the Sonata in Bb by Thomas Arne, played by N. O'Loughlin, clarinet; Minuet and Rondo from Suite No. 2 in B minor by J. S. Bach, in which N. Fletcher played the solo flute part; and a Sonata for Three Trumpets by Wilhelmer, performed by R. Simmons, P. Kohler and D. Windsor.

As the Choral Society had started working at "The Mikado" they sang extracts from this in the second half of the programme.

A complete stage performance of "The Mikado" will be given at the School on Friday and Sunday, 7th and 9th December, 1956.

M. G. C. C.



When I crossed the border from Luxemburg into Germany, hitchhiking was still quite an unknown trade to me. Yet here was I planning to travel long stretches through the "unknown," with no better aid than my thumb, a coercing smile, and the vain hope that drivers would take me for an honest wayfarer and not the villainous tramp that I probably looked. Perhaps I was lucky. In three weeks I covered just over sixteen hundred miles through Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France. How I did it and what happened I shall try to relate with brief glimpses back at certain moments I enjoyed, or otherwise.

I started with a bang. Having plodded some five kilometres along a deserted road, an ancient tractor rattled to a halt beside me. "Waar be ye goin' young 'un?" asked a real earthy farmer-type perched on the driving seat [in German of course., I roughly gathered he was offering me a lift]. Five kilometres later, shaken and bewildered, I staggered on to the longed-for main road, while my first patron disappeared in the distance trailed by clouds of exhaust-fumes.

That was the beginning which finally saw me in the hostel at Coblenz, sleeping in a dungeon of the Ehrenbreitstein fortress over-looking the Rhine valley. There was hardly anything romantic about it with rain pouring down outside.

Several days travelling took me down the Rhine to Rudesheim, then on to Mainz, Heidelberg, the scene of the "Student Prince," devoid of students but full of Americans, Heilbronn, and finally to the side of the Autobahn at Kirchheim, a tiny village deep in the heart of Swabia. Now waiting on the Autobahn itself is prohibited, but. of course, being an ignorant foreigner I was unaware of this fact, or at least so I tried to convince myself. Soon up rolled a smart green Mercedes with large white letters of identification slapped boldly on the side "Polizei." "Crumbs," I muttered, gcoppers." An elegant looking "Schupo" in green uniform beckoned to me with a smile., I was convinced he was merely awaiting the opportunity to blackjack me. "Do you not know, junger Herr, that you cannot hitch on the Autobahn?" The symbol of innocence, I blushed faintly and explained my nationality and ignorance of German laws. We spent the next five minutes chatting pleasantly with the cove asking me about England, my travels and so on. Advising me to wait at the approach road in future, he sped on his way. The next few days I spent in Munich romping around with three friends, who were engaged in the same business as myself, hitchhiking. From there I continued southwards, and late in the afternoon, entered the first ranges of the Bavarian Alps and the picturesque mountain town of Garmisch Partenkirchen. Here I spent the night in a barn, which had its advantages oddly enough; there was no compulsory bedtime of 10 o'clock as in Youth Hostels, there was clean straw and fortunately I was not compelled to roost with any chickens, ducks, pigs or suchlike respectable company.

On the Sunday I travelled into Austria to Innsbruck, in company with two New Zealanders in a Ford Anglia. Here, as elsewhere in Austria, I found living quite cheap and took advantage of it to build up my strength before going to Lake Constance to get my examination results.

Several days later found me crossing the frontier at Basel from Switzerland into France. The journey from Innsbruck leads through one of the most beautiful parts of the Austrian Tirol and along the northern bank of Lake Constance with its vineyards, old walled towns and sandy beaches for careless lounging. At Basel the Rhine barges start their journey to the North Sea, and here I occupied myself getting rid of my last odd German and Swiss coins. My destination was Belfort about 50 kilometres away but I was uncertain about the luck in hitching on French roads. Several hours later found me walking through a drizzly evening along a quiet country road miles from nowhere, all hope of a hitch long past, Belfort, where I was concerned, was as far away as Shanghai. I slept the night in a forest, minus tent, blankets, listening contentedly to the dripping rain trickling through the leaves.

The week-end found me at Dijon with a "cowshed" type Youth Hostel, ameliorated by a nearby students' cellar where the local talent would assemble for an evening. I meant to avoid Paris as money was running low and reach the Channel ports via Orleans. After sitting by a roadside for three hours where everything was en route for Paris, I changed my mind. At half past ten that night I drew into Paris, stiff and cramped after a seven-hour ride.

I did not stay long in Paris, but after sleeping under another tree in pouring rain near St. Germain, I finally arrived in Dieppe on the last lap. Coming back late at night from the town I found all locked up at the hostel and was forced to climb over the wall and through a window to get into bed that night, fearing that at any moment the warden might appear with a blunderbuss, or whatever they use in France. The following day I hurriedly left Dieppe to avoid any possible consequences from the previous evening and finally took the boat from Boulogne to Folkestone from whence I hitched to London. - here was something pleasant, something really welcoming about reclining in the back seat of a cosy Vauxhall and watching the countryside of Kent slip past on that sunny late August afternoon., I knew that I had achieved something and enjoyed it.

Robert R. Cox (UVI)


HAYE YOU EVER tried to take off the cardboard sides which cover some types of ice-cream at a speed of 300 per hour? It's a nightmare.

Greedy fingers continuously stretch across the plastic-topped counter; tired fingers de-wrapperise the umpteenth block that day and enclose it in two golden wafers.

"Two wafers, please." The phone rings. "Stand."

"Put me through to the kitchen." "Yes, sir."

Down receiver as automatic line changer goes into operation to obey the orders of the authority on the line.

"One wafer, sir?"

"I said two, young man." Audibly aside to his portly wife. "I don't know what the youth of to-day is coming to nowadays, I am sure I don't."

"Two wafers, sir. One shilling, please." Obvious emphasis on "sir" and "one shilling."

"Sorry madam, you will have to join the queue on the right, please."

"I'll have you know I've been waiting here ten minutes already," in a very hurt and shocked manner.

She knows we know and the crowd knows that she is a liar. "Sorry, madam. What was it? Three wafers?" "No, one'"

"Certainly, madam."

"Have you any thruppeny ones?" a little girl's voice pipes up. "Sorry, dear, only sixpence." Sickly grin. "Next, please," in a monotonous tone.

"Pass over that tin of wafers", comes from your assistant. "Four ice-creams, that's 2/-, please, madam. Thank you. Next one."

I say young man, that was 2/6 I gave you and you never gave me any change."

The till is full of silver, the words of boss flash through mind, "customer is always right." But in your own mind you know woman is a barefaced cheat.

"Sorry, madam, my mistake," handing over sixpence.

A boss comes up and orders you to remember to swab down the cabinets. You look down at the greasy black liquid which fills the bucket and dutifully comply with the requirements of the hygiene laws.


You are tempted to sell him two wafers, but the laws of the salesman's good conduct code restrain you.

As the temperature of the hall rises so does the side of the cabinet you are leaning on. You become parched from the dust thrown up by the milling crowds. The fan does not work. You become automatic--ice out of fridge-take off wrapper-wrapper in bin-two wafers-to customer and take money-to till and change-next one. Soon you are quite oblivious of the noises around you. Sometimes your eye or even attention is caught by some obnoxious character or even more rarely a pretty girl. You become a little cheeky, are rebuffed and sink into the old course. The repetition drugs you. You feel like screaming out. You become cynical of the grinning, gruesome faces in front of you, who are causing you all this physical and mental effort. You feel like saying to hell with you all, throwing ice-creams right, left and centre and watching them fight like animals over the spoils.

Then your relief. You leave your stand exhausted and with a delirious dislike for the greediness and bad manners of people. You forget that you are one of the public you are condemning.

Robert Croucher (UVI)


JUST ABOUT the hardest day's work I did in August was the day on which it was decided we should climb Helvellyn. When we duly arrived at the foot of the said mountain, it was a scorching summer's afternoon and we were in the "best" of spirits. Foreseeing a long climb ahead of us, we proceeded to disrobe as befitted the occasion, some remaining clothed in only shorts and shirt.

Then we started the ascent. It seemed as if some enterprising so-and-so had spent half his lifetime depositing loose shale on the path; for everywhere except the path was covered by grass or fern, whereas the path was devoid of living vegetation of any sort.

As we slowly toiled up the 1 in 2 slope, the weather gradually deteriorated until, as we reached around the 2,000-ft. mark, the sun vanished and up sprang a cool breeze. As the 2,000-ft. became 2,500, so the cool breeze became a cooler wind. and when finally, after about two hours of continuous climbing, we crawled to the top of the 3,000-ft. Helvellyn ridge, we had an ice-cold gale blowing down our necks.

We huddled behind a stone wall and tried to recover some energy by eating our jam sandwiches which the 'chef' had produced. Suddenly, from out of the wilderness came a joyful childish laugh. and we peered out from behind the stone wall to see Jimmy (aged about seven), his little sister, Jenny (aged about five), mum, dad, grandma and grandad, troop gaily by on their afternoon jaunt .... That stone wall wasn't big enough to hide us all!

After this we tried to appear more buoyant and zestful, but it was mere pretence. As we laboriously descended, by a different route, to the road and our L.C.C. coach, the sun gradually re-appeared, and by the time that our boots were dragging slowly and heavily along the road, the sun was shining as gaily as it had been when we started out.

Our chauffeur drove us back to the hotel, and the waiters brought in the steak, chips and a dinner wine (vin the). Having eaten our fill, and feeling slightly merry, we lay down on our luxurious earth mattresses, switched off the candle and soon were lost in the world of sleep.

David A. Begg (UVI)


THE PARTY left Victoria at 10.0 a.m. on Sunday, 2nd September. For some it was the first trip abroad, but everyone was feeling very excited.

This part of the journey was soon over and we arrived at Dover only to find ourselves at the end of an enormous queue - the content of two earlier trains. But we eventually passed through the Customs and on to the boat, where we were lucky in obtaining seats. As one can imagine by the bad weather during the summer, the sea was pretty rough, and quite a number of people were sea-sick.

At Ostende we were to catch the Dalmatia express, which was already late in starting. So in spite of the fact that we couldn't find our reserved seats we had to climb on anywhere and hope that we would be able to find some seats, which we did eventually and made ourselves comfortable for the five-hour journey to Cologne. We reached Cologne at about 12.0 midnight and having just missed a connection had to wait for fifty minutes, part of which we spent eating Frankfurter sausages and rolls.

The journey to Honnef was completed in a carriage without lights and we arrived at about 2.0 a.m. A 'bus took us to our hotel where, to our surprise, people were still sitting round tables talking and drinking-apparently quite a regular feature in Germany. Once shown to our rooms we were soon in bed, tired out after our long journey.

Monday was spent by most boys looking around the town, though owing to the rain not much could be done in the morning, some of which was spent down by the Rhine, watching the long barges ploughing their way upstream loaded to capacity, and tied in pairs, racing downstream with the swiftly-moving current.

The food was very good though some boys did not fully appreciate continental cooking. Meals consisted of rolls and coffee at about 9.0 a.m., lunch at 1.0, of soup, a main course and a sweet; and supper at 8.0, with soup and a main course.

On Tuesday most of the boys went further afield; some to the Drachenfels - one of the seven mountains that is steeped in legend and folklore. I went across the river to Rolandseck and climbed a hill to the Rolandsbogen, an arch which is all that remains of a castle.

On Wednesday we split into two parties - one going to Bonn with Mr. Mudd, and the other to Rolandseck with Mr. Rowland. I went with Mr. Mudd as his guardian angel. We went by electric train which ran alongside the Rhine. In Bonn we spent most of our time looking in the shops and were impressed by their cleanliness and the displays in the windows of even the small shops. Unfortunately we did not have time to visit the government buildings and saw them only from a distance.

That night some of the boys went to the cinema. Unlike British cinemas there are only two performances and they are not continuous, so that if one goes in in the middle of the performance one still has to go out at the end.

On other evenings after supper some of the boys went for short walks or stayed in the hotel and watched the television.

On Thursday the whole party went on a boat trip on the Rhine. On the way a party of German boys and girls came aboard and we soon made friends. We had intended to go to Boppard, but as we had already been on the boat for quite a time we decided to get off at Koblenz with the German children. Some boys went off into the town and a few went with the German party to the Fortress Ehrenbreitstein across the river, from which one got a wonderful view of the Mosel joining the Rhine at the Deutsches Eck. We caught the boat on its return journey in the late afternoon. The strength of the current was shown by the fact that where it had taken us 4 hours to get to Koblenz it took us 11 hours to get back to Honnef.

Most boys didn't go very far on Friday as they didn't have much money left, but a small party of us went to the Drachenfels. We went by boat to Konigswinter and then by mountain railway to the top from which we got a wonderful view of the mountains rolling away to the south, of the Rhine winding its way northwards through the flatter land of industrial Germany with smoking factory chimneys here and there on the horizon, and a birds-eye view of the barges and pleasure boats making their way along the Rhine below.

On Saturday we had to make an early start but it turned out to be a pretty hectic one. We were supposed to catch the 6.30 a.m. train from Honnef station and therefore arranged to be called at 5.30 a.m. as a 'bus was going to pick us up at 6.0 a.m. Unfortunately we were not called till 6.0 a.m. But being boarding school boys we went from bed via breakfast and 'bus to Bad Honnef station and still managed to be on the 6.30 train.

The journey home was uneventful. The sea was calmer and a group of us sitting huddled in a few square yards aft of the forward stack eating sausage, cheese and rolls might just as well not have been on the boat for all we knew of it.

We had made a list of the things we had bought, and being a party were soon through the customs and straight on to a train on which we had reserved seats.

We arrived at Victoria at about 9.30 p.m. with our parents to greet us and waiting to hear what a wonderful time we had had.

William Bauer 1st VI


An Eastern Ruler (you'll never guess who)

Has started an awful ballyhoo,

He's taken the Suez for his own

Because he couldn't get a loan

For a dam he wanted to make.

And now he's given the world a shake!

Statesmen now are in a fluster,

Countries begin their forces to muster,

Talks are held-but nothing is gained

Relations become a little strained,

The threat of war hangs in the air ....

But what does Woolverstone think of this scare?

If Nasser can get away with this

We perceive a chance too good to miss;

At our feet a chance of a lifetime lies,

The River Orwell we'll nationalise.

Anthony Weinberg IVA


IN THE past year eighty-two different species of birds have been recorded around the School, although in the spring the nests of only thirty species were found.

The winter drove many flocks of waders to the estuary, where they often joined to form one large flock of over four thousand birds. Redshank, dunlin and knots would perform their aerial evolutions with amazing dexterity, twisting and turning high in the air or skimming low over the water and the ducks. Flocks of four hundred sheld-duck, intermingling with two hundred widgeon and several tufted duck, scaup, mallard and pochard were quite a common sight, but usually wary of humans.

There were visits from rarer birds as well. Twelve pintail could usually be recognised amongst the other ducks, and two red-breasted mergansers were seen near the Hard. A bar-tailed godwit refused to move until we were less than five yards away from it, and we had a similar experience with a snipe.

A leak of fine ash from the Power Station was responsible for the death of many water birds. The first victim we found was a red-necked grebe. Then, as the winter wore on, more and more birds died because of the ash. Common scoters, peewits, common and black-headed gulls, and a mute swan were found along the water-line, all covered by the dangerous slime. Nothing could be done for them, and about a hundred birds must have died because of it.

The best "finds" in the spring were three sheld-ducks' nests, the largest with a clutch of thirteen eggs. All the young hatched and were duly escorted to the river by the proud parents. In a hollow tree nearby a redstart brought up four youngsters, and in the same clump of bracken as the sheld-duck's nest a whitethroat was brooding five eggs. A colony of sandmartins that nested in the hole by the Dining Halls were estimated to have about thirty nests in use, so these, naturally, were the species with most nests found. After them came blackbirds with seventeen, song thrush with eleven, and dunnocks with nine. A cuckoo laid an egg in two of the dunnocks' nests, and, contrary to popular belief, its eggs did not resemble the sky-blue dunnocks' at all. In fact, they were a buffish ground colour, heavily streaked with dark and light brown. Neither of them hatched, however, owing to the activities of jackdaws.

Jackdaws were also responsible for the wrecking of a long- tailed tit's nest, two yellowhammers', a chaffinch's, and a greenfinch's, and egg collectors caused more than sixteen birds to desert.

Amongst the commoner birds, house sparrows, starlings, swallows and house martins nested abundantly, and single nests of a robin, blue tit, green woodpecker, nuthatch, goldfinch and turtle dove were found.

One hundred and three birds were colour-ringed during the year, most of them as nestlings. The best catches were a swift which flew in through an open window during a maths lesson, a sanderling, a redstart, and a sand-martin. Eleven of the birds were recaught, and many were seen again in various parts of the school. A young house sparrow caught and ringed in the dining hall was recaught two days later in the changing rooms.

The birds I have mentioned here can only be regarded as a relatively small section of the population, and some excellent opportunities await the budding young ornithologist around Woolverstone.

David Harris MVI


Fourteen matches were played. Five were won, two were lost, four were drawn, and in three games rain stopped play. In many ways it was a very satisfactory season, due in no small measure to Workman's captaincy and individual performance, but also because of the development of younger players who came into the eleven for their first season. Miller and Townson, for example, bowled very steadily and show great promise for the future; and Markham not only kept wicket adequately but also made a valuable contribution as a batsman. Workman scored 501 runs (including two centuries) for an average of 41.7; Smith, with 220 runs, had an average of 27.5; Byrde a total of 204, average 25.5; Markham scored 142 for an average of 17.7. Miller, Townson, Davies, Workman, McCulloch, and Byrde shared the bowling. The bowling, perhaps, still lacks that extra "bite", but there are signs that it may

May 5 v Woolverstone Park C.C. Woolverstone Park 132 for 6 dec. - WHS 136 for 5
May 9 v R.H.S. Holbrook R.H.S. 103 for 6 - (RSP)
May 16 v Harwich County High School Harwich 78 for 8 - (RSP)
May 30 v Colchester G.S. 2nd XI Colchester 24 - WHS 98
June 2 v J. S. H. Smitherman's XI J.5.H.S.'s XI 122 - WHS 128 for 4
June 9 v Norwich School 2nd X Norwich 100 for 9 dec. - WHS 106 for 4
June 24 v Stowmarket G.S. WHS 190 for 6 dec. - Stowmarket 32 for 9
June 25 v Harwich County High School WHS 208 for 2 dec - Harwich 46 for 8
June 28 v Framlingham College 2nd XI Framlingham 134 for 6 - (RSP)
July 4 v St. Joseph's College WHS 146 for 8 dec - St. Joseph's 71 for 5 (RSP)
July 7 v Culford School 2nd XI Culford 127 for 9 dec - WHS 89 for 6
July 11 v Royal Hospital School Holbrook: R.H.S. 64 - WHS 30
July 18 v H.M.S. Ganges H.M.S. Ganges 98 for 8 dec - WHS 97 for 8
July 22 v The Masters WHS 205 for 7 dec - Masters 100

cope well with the stronger opposition we hope to have next season, when we shall be playing the first elevens of some schools whose second elevens we played this past season.

The season opened with three Colours in the side: Workman, McCulloch and Davies; and Colours were awarded to Smith and Byrde. Workman is to be congratulated on scoring the first century in a school match, on his captaincy of the Suffolk Grammar Schools XI, and his vice-captaincy of (and excellent performance with) the Suffolk Young Amateurs' XI.

Leslie Johnston

Played 8. Won 3. Drawn 4. Lost 1
v R.H.S. Colts' XI Colts 23 for 2 - R.H.S. 61 : Drawn
v Northgate G.S. Northgate 9 - Colts 14 for 0 : Won by 10 wkts
v Norwich School Colts 51 for 2 - Norwich 50 : Won by 8 wkts
v Woodbridge School Colts 95 - Woodbridge 58 for 9 : Drawn
v Framlingham Colts 61 for 5 - Framlingham 56 : Won by 5 wkts
v Culford Colts 125 for 3 dec - Culford 78 for 8 : Drawn
v R.H.S. Holbrook Colts 78 for 6 - R.H.S. 82 : Drawn
v Northgate G.S. Colts 63 for 5 dec - Northgate 68 for 2 : Lost by 8 wkts

The Colts had a fairly successful season as a team, with several individual outstanding performances. Smith's handling of the team as captain showed a progressive realisation of its fuller implications and necessities. His "keeping" improved, his effectiveness increasing with the discontinuance of some of his earlier bad habits. With the bat he gradually learnt the value of patient concentration, this culminating in his good innings at Culford. Many others of the team also acquired restraint, and their less "swashbuckling" approach produced some pleasurable batting. Blake could usually be relied upon with the bat to score runs, his bowling often completely bewildered the opposition, and his close-to-the-wicket catching was always excellent. Poyntz, when he learns to play into his off-side shots, will score even more runs. His bowling, always accurate, was sometimes devastating, as against Northgate in the first match. Glaysher, as

an opening bat, shaped well, but never quite fulfilled his promise. Next season, with more concentration and a little more luck, he can score many more runs. His fielding at cover-point was a pleasure to watch. Brobbel batted well, and his off-breaks could be useful with more serious application. Pope's bowling proved much more effective when he learnt to pitch the ball up. Snell developed during the season into a very dour batsman who could be relied upon to keep his end up. Now he must learn to punish the "bad" ball. Bailey D. had many of the strokes, but was more often than not too impatient to use them. Howes' batting technique was too limited to be very effective, but he showed late promise as a seam-bowler. Eichler batted in true "hurricane" style, and his catching in the gully was excellent. Filtness, Dear, Weinberg, Hickman and Williams, J. also played in matches.

It was unfortunate that four matches should have been drawn. Three of these were in our favour and would probably have been won if a more persistent attack had been maintained. But usually the team's approach to their task was pleasing and the all-round fielding reached a high standard. This augurs well for the future.

Peter H. Josselyn


In all, ten games were played. of which we won six, lost three and drew one. On the whole a successful season. Blair-Hickman showed promise as a captain, and he personally had a good season with bat and ball. He achieved some excellent bowling performances, with figures of nine for twenty and eight for three against Holbrook. King, Stevens, Walker, Prendergast and Leach all had their moments with the bat, and the bowling of Goody, Stevens and Banwell was sound. In the field Saunders, Denman and Stevens did well, while Leach was a competent wicketkeeper. One looks forward to next season in the belief that quite good cricket will be played by many of the members of this team.

D. E. Palmer

May 9 v. Holbrook (A). Won by 7 wickets.
May 12 v. Northgate (A). Lost by 3 wickets.
May 16 v. Brentwood (A). Won by 5 wickets.
June 5 v. Ipswich School (H). Lost by 5 wickets.
June 12 v. Woodbridge School (H). Won by 74 runs.
June 13 v. Brentwood (H). Won by 7 wickets.
June 23 v. Stowmarket (A). Won by 28 runs.
July 4 v. St. Joseph's College (H). Lost by 5 wickets.
July 11 v. R.H.S. Holbrook (H). Won by 116 runs.
July 24 v. Ipswich School (A). Match, drawn.

v R.H.S., Holbrook - Won by 2 wickets
v Northgate G.S. - Lost by 8 wickets
v St. Joseph's College - Cancelled
v St. Edmund's School - Cancelled
v Ipswich School - Lost by 2 wickets
v Norwich School - Lost by 43 runs
v R.G.S., Colchester - Cancelled
v R.H.S., Holbrook - Won by 6 wickets
v Culford School - Match abandoned
v Ipswich School - Lost by 7 wickets


This was a most disappointing season. The promise shown by members of the First Forms in early practice games was most encouraging, but the fact remains that the "eleven" which eventually played school matches was below the usual standard.

Bowling strength was up to scratch, with Grimble and Titshall doing the major part of the work, but the batting lacked enterprise and aggression. The strokes can be taught in the nets, but they must be played by the cricketer in matches. So often we saw boys who learned to force the ball, in the nets, retire into their shells when playing matches, prodding at balls that needed to be hit hard.

It is to be hoped that the team will approach the game with more confidence and with a greater sense of adventure when they become the Under 14 XI next season.

Ivor Glyn Evans


With half of the School 1st XI in their side, Corners should have been - and, in fact, were -hot favourites for the Inter-House trophy. Indeterminate batting, however, in their first match cost them the championship. Hansons dismissed them on an easy wicket for just over 50, and although Hansons themselves lost a wicket for no runs, a good second-wicket stand of 40 saw them safely through to victory.

Halls drew with Johnstons and amassed a total of 120 for 8 declared against Corners, to which Corners replied with 103 for 7 by close of play. These two draws virtually made sure of a Hansons championship year and the issue was all but decided by a Hansons' victory of a handful of runs over Johnstons.Needing only a draw with Halls to clinch the championship, Hansons played rather uninspiring cricket, although one must in fairness add that the wicket when they batted turned decidedly nasty. The season finished with a flourish when Corners played a weakened Johnston's side. In an hour and a half Corners rattled up 152 for 7 before declaring. Even then Johnstons almost evaded defeat, their last three wickets not failing until the very last over.

Brian Workman

SPORTS DAY - 19th May

100 yards Golebiowski (Hansons) 11.9 secs
220 yards Golebiowski (Hansons) 28 secs
440 yards Stirling (Hansons) 65.8 secs
880 yards Stirling (Hansons) 2 mins. 32.2 secs
80 yards Hurdles Fletcher (Halls) 12.2 secs
High Jump Stone (Corners) 4 ft. 5 ins
Long Jump Golebiowski (Hansons) 17 ft. 1 in
Throwing the Cricket Ball Blair-Hickman (Halls) 200 ft. 8 ins
4 x 1 10 yards Relay Hansons. 57.6 sec.

Final House Points

  Junior Senior Total
1st Hansons 23 points 35 points 58 points
2nd Halls 22 points 25 points 47 points
3rd Corners 9 points 20 points 29 points
4th Johnstons 3 points 4 points 7 points
100 yards Tucker (Halls) 10.8 secs
220 yards Tucker (Halls) 26.8 secs.
440 yards George (Hansons) 61.2 secs
880 yards Begg (Hansons) 2 mins. 19.2 secs
1 Mile Brown (Hansons) 5 mins. 18 secs
110 yards Hurdles Tucker (Halls) 15.7 secs
4 x 110 yards Relay Hansons  
High Jump Byrde (Hansons) 4 ft. 113/4ins
Long Jump Bauer (Halls) 17 ft. 21/2 ins
Discus McCulloch (Corners) 104 ft. 6 ins
Javelin Smith, A. (Hansons) 148 ft. 7 ins
Putting the Shot: Cox (Halls) 34 ft. 9 ins

Annual Sports at Felixstowe, 1st May, 1956.

We were able to send a fairly strong team to the county sports, where the following boys were successful in gaining places. They duly received certificates from the Association,

M. Golebeiowski Junior Boys Long Jump First
C. Lewis Senior Boys Shot Put First
J. Clutterbuck Intermediate Boys Shot Put Second
T. Davies Senior Boys Long Jump Second
I. McCulloch Senior Boys Shot Put Second
D. Begg Intermediate Boys 880 yards Fourth
A. Kuptz Senior Boys 220 yards Fourth
A. George Senior Boys 440 yards Fourth

Schools Athletics Meeting at H.M.S. Ganges, 29th June

This meeting is becoming more popular and more keenly contested each year, and the standard of performances is becoming consequently higher.

In view of these facts it is pleasing to note that the School did so well at H.M.S. Ganges this year.

We were unable to enter a full Junior (17-19 years) team. but the Youths (15-17 years) and Boys (under 15 years) teams produced good team efforts, the Youths taking fourth place from nine teams entered, while the Boys team won us our first team victory in athletics.

Ivor Glyn Evans

YOUTHS (15-17 years)
BOYS (Under 15 years)
1 Northgate G.S. 58 pts 1 Woolverstone Hall 56 pts
2 Colchester R.G.S. 57 pts 2 Northgate G.S. 55 pts
3 Ipswich School 44 pts 3 R.G.S. Colchester 37 pts
4 Woolverstone Hall 42 pts 4 Langley School 36 pts
5 R.M. Deal 41 pts 5 Ipswich School 35 pts
6 H.M.S. Ganges 40 pts 6 R.H.S. Holbrook 34 pts
7 Langley School 29 pts 7 Felixstowe G.S. 25 pts
8 Felixstowe G.S. 28 pts      
9 R.H.S. Holbrook 25 pts      



IT IS ALMOST a year since our last house report was written, and during this period many changes have been seen at Corners House.

Our sleeping accommodation has been boosted by the building of an annexe which houses 15 boys, and the whole House has been redecorated in controversial colours. Changes have also been seen in our staff. Mr. Scratton looked after us for a term and everyone, both in Corners House and in the rest of the School, was sorry to see him leave . However, he frequently visits the School, and he will always be welcome. His successor, Mr. Munro-Cape, only remained with us for a term before going off to complete his training.

Many of our old boys have visited the School - Brian Bass, Raymond Boyce, Nigel Gould, Ronald Gould, Michael Hardy and John Scarbrow have all visited the School at least once in the last year.

Our latest old boy is George Bicknell, who left us in July to join the ranks of the Civil Service. No one could help liking him, and we all wish him every success in his career.

We won the rugby cup back again at Easter, winning most of our matches by a considerable margin. In the cross-country we were less fortunate, but perhaps less determined to win. Several of our boys appeared in "The Devil's Disciple" and Durrant began what may well be a long and successful association with the Dramatic Society.

Durrant is also a keen member of the Choral Society and with Davies, Brown and Bennett will be appearing in "The Mikado" at the end of term. Nawrot, Simmons and N. O'Loughlin both gave sterling performances on their instruments at the concert in the Summer Term.

During the Easter holidays several of us returned to School to attend a cricket coaching course. Workman's form showed the best results, and it was fitting that he should be awarded the cricket bat for the first century scored in a school match. Before he had finished the season he had represented the Young Amateurs of Suffolk, captained a Suffolk Grammar Schools XI, and had a final tally of four centuries and four half-centuries. Despite his runs and some good bowling from Townson and Davies we still lost the cricket cup to Hansons but it ought to be back with us at the end of next season.

On Sports Day we surprised ourselves and everyone else by winning the tug-of-war for the first time. We never looked like winning the Athletics Cup, but Clutterbuck, Marriott, House, Stone, J., Titshall, Pope J., and Alden all gained valuable points.

We were well represented in other sports. Tyrell and Stringer represented Eastern England in the Sea Cadet Swimming Championships, which were held in Jersey. Brown, Ravenscroft, Croucher and Williams, P. sailed for the House, but were unable to retain the sailing cup for a second year.

Robert Croucher brought a private motor-cycle back to school in the Summer Term and chugged to the Hall on it nearly every morning in as stately a manner as possible. Croucher and Workman were also the first to gain places at colleges in Cambridge University, and their advanced level results justified their selection. Most of our Fifth Formers have returned to join the Sixth Form, and Brown, Clutterbuck, Nawrot. Shreeve and Whittaker all did well in their examinations.

When we returned to School this term we learned that Mr. Davies, our assistant housemaster, had married Miss Birrell, one of our former sisters. We would all like to wish Mr. and Mrs. Davies a long and happy life together.

Ian McCulloch


In my mind there are two things which stand out as examples of how communal spirit has developed within the House during the past year; first. the house effort at Christmas in producing a series of sketches for the school's entertainment, and second the rugby championship. Our sketches were a success, to my mind. in that they proved the readiness of the enthusiastic section of the House, happily the majority, to get together and produce something despite adverse conditions. In Rugby, the past season was no doubt our best yet. It was particularly gratifying to watch the performance of certain members of the Third Form who, although theoretically outclassed in such games, brought nothing but credit to the side. We would like to congratulate Corners on a well deserved victory throughout the whole series.

But the highlight of the year was our long-awaited first cup, the cross-country championship, the result, not of individual brilliance, but of consistent team effort. The junior members of the House deserve especial credit, for they above all helped us to victory. Let us hope that this is merely the beginning of a whole succession of House trophies.

At Christmas, if all goes well, we shall be the first House to move into one of the new buildings. I feel that at this point we shall really become a House in the full meaning of the word, with each member under the same roof and brought in even closer contact with his fellows. But please let us remember that we will be in nissen huts no longer and that the care which these new buildings deserve is equal to that which we should bestow on our own homes; we are privileged to be the first House to enter the new buildings.

Congratulations are due to Bauer, who was chosen to play for the Eastern Counties Colts' Rugby XV, where he acquitted himself very well. Again, we hope he is the first of many. At the end of the Summer Term we said good-bye to our assistant house captain, Colin Lewis, who has been with us for a year, and is now going to Bristol University to study electrical engineering. We would all like to congratulate him on getting to university, the first member of the School to do so, and wish him every success and happiness in his future career.

Robert R. Cox


THE PAST YEAR has been one of mixed success for the House: having tasted the bitterness of defeat in Inter-House Rugby, our teams hit back to carry off both the Athletic and Cricket trophies in a most convincing manner.

The athletic team, under its captain, A. J. George, won both the senior and junior 4 x 110 yards relays, whilst individual events were won by A. J. George, M. H. Brown, Byrde, Smith, Stirling and Golebiowski. The best performances of the day as far as the House was concerned, were by Golebiowski, who scored maximum points in his three events, and by Stirling, who scored maximum points in his two. A. J. George, M. H. Brown, Kuptz, Smith, Dawson, Byrde. Mantell, Golebiowski and Stirling represented either the School at H.M.S. Ganges, or East Suffolk (South) in the County Championships held during the season.

With captain Byrde forcing the pace, our cricket team had remarkable success; the batting strength of Byrde, Smith and Markham. combined with the bowling of Byrde and McMaster, carried all before them, enabling the team to win two and draw the other of its three matches. We were well represented in School cricket, where Byrde and Smith won their School Colours, and Markham was the regular 1st XI wicketkeeper. A. J. George, Tuddenham, Brobbel, Blake, Weinberg, Banwell, Goody, Bissett and Walker all played for their various School teams.

In the annual cross-country race we provided the junior winner. Stirling, and three of our senior boys gained places in the first five of the senior team race. In fact. our senior team won their event, but owing to the fact that our juniors enjoyed only moderate success, the trophy went to Halls House for the first time, and they are to be warmly congratulated. M. H. Brown, Byrde and McMaster were chosen to compete in the Suffolk cross-country championships. and Ronan and Cracknell were reserves for this event.

Our Rugger team was not up to its usual strength this year, having lost its main inspiration last summer, but we did not disgrace ourselves in any way. Many of the House played for the various School teams.

If one can judge by the number of House members in the Choral Society we seem to be becoming quite a musical House. At the Christmas and Easter presentations by the Society, M. H. Brown, Abrams and Mann took solo parts, whilst many more gHansonites" were stalwarts in the chorus. At the Christmas concert Kohler entertained the School on his trumpet during the interval preceding our "House effort" Abrams, adept in both violin and piano, recently obtained a distinction mark in an examination for piano held by the Royal Associated Schools of Music.

Kuptz and Cracknell each had a part in the School's production of "The Devil's Disciple", but the House's main contribution was back-stage, where A. J. George, in the role of stage manager, kept a firm hand on affairs. Ronan, Smith, Moxham and McMaster prepared the set and were responsible for making most of the "props"

Academic success continues to be on a high level, and on Speech Day we saw Dye, Stirling, Kohler, Cullen and Coles go up to receive their prizes from Mr. John Hare, MP, Williams, A., and Goody are eagerly awaiting Junior Speech Day, when they too will receive their reward for hard work during the past year.

At the beginning of the Summer Term A. J. George and M. H. Brown were appointed School Blues, much to the pleasure of the whole House.

Ronan, Cracknell and Moxham rounded off a year's hard work by spending some considerable time working on the maze, and made it look quite attractive by the time Speech Day arrived. In doing this they gained the respect of many frigid souls.

Having seen our Fifth Form of last year for perhaps the last time, it still remains for us to congratulate them on their G.C.E. examination results, especially McMaster, who passed in seven subjects; and wish them good luck for their future in the wide world.

David A. Begg


AT THE END of the Summer Term we had to say goodbye to Moss, Omar, Munro, Hughes, Drew, and earlier in the year to Collins and Condon. But in spite of this, the influx from the Junior House has increased our, number, to about 65. We hope that our "new entries will enjoy their sojourn in the Senior House. To help with the handling of them, we welcome to the happy circle Dr. Lewis as assistant housemaster.

Looking back over the year, the House has made average progress. I think our most commendable effort was in the Inter-House Rugby, especially in the seven-a-sides, where we came second to Halls. Cricket and athletics, however, seemed to lack the usual House spirit, and this brought about the downfall of our teams. But perhaps the teams were still recuperating from the rugby season. In the cross-country we again carried on the old House tradition of coming last and once again having a Johnstonite placed first - and for this effort Walmsley is to be heartily congratulated. In the Sea Cadet swimming we were the only House to produce a swimmer for an individual event (100 yards free style) in the All-England meeting in Jersey, at which the swimmer - Andrew Hunton, did extremely well.

So much for games. Academically the House has not done very well. The Fifth Form "O" level G.C.E. results, with a few exceptions, were rather disappointing, although we had our share in the pleasing "A" level results. Lower down, however, Walmsley and Szepesy achieved distinction by being promoted from the Fourth Form straight to the Sixth Form.

Congratulations also go to Hunton, who was appointed a Blue, and to A. Glass, H. Clark and M. Daniel on being made House Monitors.

I hope this year will show a greater improvement all round, and this will no doubt be achieved when we go into our promised House next January. And in spite of the depressing outlook of a cold winter in this House, everybody is greatly looking forward to moving in.

Duncan Glass


THE JUNIOR HOUSE was re-established after a gap of a year and is now to be a permanent feature of the organisation of the School.

A proportion of the House used the newly rebuilt Orangery as a dormitory. This dormitory was the first non-hutted sleeping accommodation used by boys at the Main Hall and was noted for the use of double-tier beds, spring interior mattresses, and the internal use of mackintoshes and umbrellas.

The year quickly settled down, and before long they were fully entering into the life of the School. They assembled a passable bonfire for November 5th, and before the end of the season were doing themselves justice on the rugby field. Perhaps the outstanding achievement of the year was the performance of Mott in coming in seventh in the cross-country, in a field of some 150, composed largely of boys one and two years his senior.

At the moment of writing the boys concerned in this report are settling down in their Senior Houses, from where they find time to direct more than their fair share of patronising advice to this year's "Newgies".

Fred J. Mudd



The greater part of our sailing during the summer has centred around competitive work, as the results show, and though the picture may seem rather black we have achieved some success and gained considerable match experience. After the disastrous start at Greshams, where we were thoroughly trounced and made to look a set of novices by experienced crews, we set to and followed a stern training scheme, with the result that M. Brown beat the best of Greshams in Cadets, and the finishes with Norwich were counted in seconds. We were bitterly disappointed that the tri-angular match was "blown off" as we were thirsting for revenge on the Broads. However, home and away matches, and a tri-angular, are promised for next year, and an Autumn Term match is promised with Ipswich.

The House competition was most exciting, with races being lost in the last tack, and patience bringing its own reward in a "drifter" The final race was virtually a sail-off between Johnstons and Halls, both with level points, and Drew, of Johnstons gained a commanding lead in the first beat, and was never seriously challenged.

The remaining time was spent in training new crews and helmsmen for the future, and this will continue as long as weather permits. We shall continue to sail in the R.H.Y.C. races at week-ends, and as these notes are going to press, Guest, in Grumpy, beat Flying Fifteens and Fireflies to come second in the club handicap. Well done!

Malcolm A. R. Poole

The following are the results of competitive sailing held during the Summer Term:

May 19th: v. Greshams, at Barton Broad:
light, variable N.W. wind
Race I Race II
1 Greshams 1 Greshams
2 Greshams 2 Greshams
3 Greshams 3 Greshams
4 Woolverstone: A. Jones 4 Woolverstone, F. Ravenscroft
5 Guest and Drew, Woolverstone, retired - hit mark 5 Woolverstone, R. Cox. M. Brown, Woolverstone, retired
Final score: Greshams 311/2, Woolverstone 281

May 26th: v. Greshams, at Woolverstone:
moderate E. wind
Race I
Race II

Sabrina, Greshams

1 Snow-white, Greshams
2 Snow-white, Cox (W.) 2 Sabrina, Drew (W.)
3 Grumpy, Greshams 3 Grumpy, Brown, M. (W.)
4 Happy, Guest (W.) 4 Sneezy, Greshams
5 Sneezy, Bauer (W.) 5 Happy, Greshams
6 Dopey, Greshams, did not finish 6 Dopey, Jones (W.)
Final score: Greshams 481/2; Woolverstone 20
June 9th: v. Norwich School, at Woolverstone: moderate N.E. breeze
Race 1   Race 11
1 Sabrina, Davis (N.) 1 Snow-white, Tyrell (N.)
2 Snow-white, Guest (W.) 2 Sabrina, Brown, M. (W.)
3 Happy, Cox (N.) 3 Grumpy, Cox (N.)
4 Grumpy, Bauer (W.) 4 Sneezy, Jones (W.)
5 Dopey, Drew (W.)   Happy (N.) and Dopey (W.) did not finish
6 Sneezy, Claburn (N.)  
Final score: Norwich 361/2. Woolverstone 33

June 30th: v. Ipswich School - Cancelled.
July 5th: Triangular match, Greshams. Norwich. Woolverstone - Cancelled.
June 16th: Visit to Orwell Yacht Club Regatta. Cadet race won by Bauer, with Drew second and Ravenscroft third.

House Sailing competition, after 4 matches
1 Johnston's - Drew and Guest: 251/2 points
2 Halls - Cox, Jones and Bauer 241/2 points
3 Hansons - M. Brown 20 points
4 Corners - Ravenscroft and G. Brown 181/2 points


Since these notes last appeared the Unit has bidden farewell to twelve senior A.B.s who have left school. I hope that some of them will continue their association with the Corps by joining S.C.C. units in their home districts. The Inter-House Cadet Cup competition was completed - with some difficulty - by the last week of the summer term. Johnston's won the cup by a very convincing margin. The detailed results are appended. It will be noticed that Johnston's scored very heavily on "Advancement" because three of our four Leading Seamen are from that House. A.B.s in other Houses - please note.

The following cadets were rated A.B. as the result of examinations held on 16th July: Bailey R.,

Boyd, Collyer, Doo, Fox, Leeson, Fraser-Smith, Howes, Sandland, Stringer, Walmsley, Wilds,

Williams, P. L. The present strength of the Unit is: Leading Seamen 3, Able Seamen 32, Ordinary Seamen 12.

Four cadets - Hunton, Dawson, Byrde and Tyrrell were amongst the representatives of the Midland Area at the S.C.C. National Swimming Championships which were held in Jersey on 21st and 22nd July. They formed the Relay team, and in addition Hunton swam in the 100 yards free style and Tyrrell in the 200 yards free style. Unfortunately, they had no successes to report, but at least they had the fun of the return trip to Jersey by destroyer and a four-day stay in the island.

Efforts are being made at the moment to obtain an old engine from a car or boat for instructional purposes. If and when we get one, our training programme will be extended to clude mechanical training.

Results of the Inter-House Cadet Cup competition
  Halls Hansons Johnstons Corners
Whaler Pulling
Badges, etc.
Seamanship Contest


During the year few School functions have taken place without the club having made a permanent record of them, which have been then available to boys. At Christmas, cards and calendars were produced and many were sold to parents. In the following terms the Choral Society's presentation of the Christmas Oratorio, the School play and Sports Day were all covered by the club, many boys helping to print the subsequent orders. The money from these has gone towards obtaining further equipment.

But more important, the standard of work has considerably improved. Many boys are no longer satisfied with mere snapshots but are taking a deep interest in the real art of photography, creative as well as active. This was vividly illustrated on Speech Day when an exhibition of no small merit was shown. The standard achieved has induced us to consider entering some of the better work to National Photographic competitions in the near future.

At the end of this term there will be an open competition for club members; in view of the standard of many members, it is hoped that someone outside the School will judge it. Recently the club bought a precision single-lens reflex camera, to add to the fine miniature it already possesses. The camera will be used primarily for portraiture, which we intend to experiment with extensively. A whole range of accessories is obtainable for this camera. and the club has the purchase of some in mind.

As the physics laboratory is to be dismantled next year, the future existence of a darkroom and ultimately the Photographic Club is as yet uncertain. But we feel assured the School authorities will be kind to us and provide us with space in which to continue our hobby.

Ronald A. Rosen Vb

Membership slowly grows, but as yet few of last term's leavers have joined the Association. It is to be hoped that they will all enrol before the next magazine is published.

News of others is somewhat scarce and is almost entirely from those abroad or on the high seas in the Merchant Navy.

FRANCIS LYONS ('53) is now in a very modern tanker, the Vibex, which not only carries 30,000 tons of oil but has air-conditioned rooms, washing machines and iced water fountains.

BRIAN BASS ('55) is still in the Deerwood on the American run, and looking forward to visiting the School again.

PAUL McMASTER ('56) has joined the band of apprentices in the Merchant Navy and is now on his first voyage.

From further afield comes welcome news of

BRIAN JENKINS ('53) who emigrated with his family to Australia. He is attending Homebush High School in New South Wales, passing his exams., taking part in public speaking, debating

and broadcasting, and also taking the part of the villain in "H.M.S. Pinafore", complete with a bad attack of laryngitis. Unfortunately, and strangely for those who remember him, cricket is not so easy to come by, and he is thinking of taking up tennis.

JOHN COOK, ('54) has graduated from High School in the U.S.A. and is to enlist in the American Army for three years, thereby choosing his courses. He hopes eventually to read chemical engineering at university. He has been, as usual, travelling all over the place, including Canada, Pittsburgh, Tennessee and New York.

MICHAEL HARDY ('55) has been busy publishing his local club magazine, of which he sends a copy. He has recently been working in the War Office, which can be extremely difficult to get in and out of.

Of recent leavers,

ARTHUR GREEN is with the Standard Bank of South Africa,

JOHN DREW has gone to Art School,

GEORGE BICKNELL has joined the Civil Service and ANTHONY MOXHAM is hoping to join the Royal Navy almost at once.

I hope in the next "Janus" there will be a lot more news from our growing Association. It is time we had Old Boys' rugger and cricket matches. Perhaps those who would like to play would write to me.

J. S. H. Smitherman

New Members:

Brian Jenkins ('54)

Anthony Moxham ('56)

Sydney Pearson ('55)

George Bicknell ('56)

Paul McMaster ('56)

Alan Tucker ('56)


We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of magazines from the following Schools:-

Northgate G.S., Ipswich School, Colchester R.G.S., Woodbridge G.S., Dr. Barnardo's at Parkeston, H.M.S. Fisgard and Ottershaw Park.